Joseph R. Anticaglia MD
Medical Advisory Board
On July 16, 2022. the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) established 988 as the new, nationwide phone number that connects individuals with the Suicide Prevention and Mental Crisis Lifeline. If you or someone you know is experiencing emotional distress or a substance abuse-related emergence or if you are at your wits end, you’re encouraged to call or text 988 and speak directly to a trained counselor for advice.
The current administrator of Lifeline, Vibrant Emotional Health, received approval and grant money from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMSHA) to operate the three digit, 988 number across America. Veterans call 988 and press 1 (one) to connect with a professional counselor. During the transition period to 988, the previous lifeline ten digit number 1-800-273-8255 will remain operationa, and the calls routed to 988.
Suicide is a “persistent and pervasive” public health challenge. In 2020, suicides numbered 45,979 deaths and 312,000 emergency department visits for self-harm injury, according to the CDC. If a person is behaving erratically inside or outside the home, people often call 911 for assistance. Law enforcement respond to such emergency calls, but a significant number of times the calls turn out to be a mental health crisis and not a crime issue
Releivinng law enforcement of an unwanted responsibility and utilizing the experience of mental health professionals is a win-win outcome in most instances. The 988 call centers across the United States offer listening skills, evaluation and referrals for high-risk individuals. A significant number of mental health crises have been successfully managed utilizing the skills of counselors at mental health call centers.
Staffing and funding are recurrent challenges when a new venture is launched. A Rand health report in June of 2022 noted: “Untreated mental health symptoms are a pervasive and persistent public health problem. Around thirty-nine million individuals in the United States were identified as having a mental illness in 2019. Of this number, fewer than one-half (45 percent) received treatment in the
past year. Left untreated, individuals’ symptom profiles can worsen to the point of becoming a mental health emergency. Our results show that there is room for improvement with respect to strategic planning, financial preparedness and the availability of services and system coordination.”
Although the challenges facing the Suicide Prevention and Mental Crisis Lifeline are daunting, people in emotional distress with suicidal thoughts or mental or substance abuse crises have a viable option — by calling 988 and speaking with a trained counselor. The lifeline call has saved many lives.
This article is intended solely as a learning experience. Please consult your physician for diagnostic and treatment options.