Why waste money and energy over unnecessary emergency room visits or in-office doctor appointments when you can call a certified physician anytime at your convenience for help. Missing work or getting further ill while waiting in an emergency room won’t help if you’re already sick. Our board-certified and licensed physicians are available 24/7 for immediate consultation and treatment using our hotline or smartphone app. Receive quality medical treatment without further disrupting your life and routine.
It’s Fast.
No more waiting rooms. Connect to the doctor instantly via phone or email.
It’s Convenient.
Get access to care when you need it 24/7/365.
It’s Affordable.
Telemedicine costs less than traditional office visits.
It’s Easy.
Process is simple, secure & electronically maintains your medical history.
It’s Reliable.
Telemedicine doctors are all U.S. based and licensed.
It’s Transferable.
You can share electronic medical records with your primary care physician, family, or other specialist.